My Journey Continues: Week 10 Progress with DIPY#

Hello everyone! Week 10 has been a challenging one, with a lot happening both in my personal life and with the DIPY project. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to make as much progress as I had hoped, but I still managed to get some important work done. Let me walk you through what I accomplished this week.

Fixing Tutorials for the Keyword Argument PR#

This week, my main focus was on fixing the tutorials related to the keyword argument PR that I had worked on earlier. Ensuring that all tutorials are up-to-date and accurately reflect the changes in our codebase is crucial for maintaining the quality and usability of our documentation.

I spent time reviewing the tutorials, identifying areas where the new keyword arguments were relevant, and updating the examples accordingly.

Keyword PR: dipy/dipy#3306

Busy Week: PhD Applications and Moving Houses#

On the personal front, this week has been incredibly hectic. I’ve been deep into the process of applying for PhD programs, which has taken up a significant amount of my time and energy. Drafting statements, gathering documents, and try to get the letter of recommendations have all been time-consuming, but I’m making good progress on my applications.

Additionally, I had to move houses this week, which added another layer of complexity to an already busy schedule. The logistics of packing, moving, and settling into a new place were more exhausting than I anticipated, leaving me with less time and focus for my work on DIPY.

Next Week#

Looking ahead to next week, I plan to:

  1. Resume Docker Practice and Create a DIPY Docker Image: With the move and PhD applications mostly behind me, I’m aiming to get back on track with Docker. My goal is to continue practicing with Docker and work on creating a Docker image specifically for DIPY, ensuring all dependencies are correctly configured for our development workflow.

Final Thoughts#

Week 10 has been a slower week in terms of progress, but sometimes life throws unexpected challenges our way. Despite the lower productivity, I’m glad I was able to keep moving forward, even if at a slower pace. I’m looking forward to getting back into a more productive rhythm next week as I continue my work on DIPY.

As always, I appreciate the support and understanding of my mentor, Serge Koudoro, and the DIPY community. Their encouragement is invaluable, especially during weeks like this one.

Thank you for reading, and I look forward to sharing more updates next week as I pick up the pace again!