First post after acceptance! =)#

Personal Note#

Hi all,

I am please to inform that my project proposal was accepted to the Google Summer of Code!

Congrats to everyone that was also accepted!!! This definitely will be an exciting summer!

As I mentioned on my last post, I will be implementing some exiting MRI techniques which allows us to see brain connectivity in vivo - how awesome is that?

The following weeks I will give you more details about this. Keep tuned and you could explore the brain with me!

Greetings from Cambridge (UK),

Rafael N.H. PhD Student at the University of Cambridge

Before the Student Coding Period#

I am currently working on some simulations that will be useful for testing the imaging techniques that I will be implementing.

I start this work before applying to the GSoC (nipy/dipy#582), and in the last weeks I have been improving it. At the moment, simulations are almost complete - codes are running without errors and they are written in PEP8 standards. Now I only have to add some automatic debugging scripts using Nose python testing.

During the following week, I will discuss the work done so far with my mentors (in particular I want to discuss some minor changes on the current scripts) and fix problems that I am facing in creating the automatic debugging scripts.

Minor details to discuss with mentors:

  1. Suggestion on changes on the default values of the simulations modules

  2. Discuss if is better to remove some unnecessary inputs or have redundant computing steps.

  3. Discuss the definition of some important variables that will be used in future steps.

Problems to fix during this week:

  1. Resolve problems in recognizing paths where the new version of modules are locally located.

  2. Fix error when trying to run Nose:

1 Cannot run $ nosetests
3 ERROR: Failure: ImportError (No module named runspeed)